I can’t believe it’s already the first week of September. September 22nd marks the Autumn equinox and the official end of summer! Looks like The Dude is running out of summer riding weather 🙁
I love posting summer sunsets to my social media sites. Summer sunsets will soon become scenic autumn vistas. Man, this summer and this year flew by way to fast.
So I’ve been trying to get one more decent ride in before Autumn arrives. I was planning on heading out to Vermont over the weekend but decided to hold off due to weather concerns. I’m glad I did too, because it was unseasonably cold and rainy. I definitely wouldn’t of been prepared.
I’m hoping I can fit it in before Autumn arrives. Looking at the maps though, I’m guessing we’re going to get residual weather from Hurricane Florence just in time to screw up my weekend plans. At this point I’m just playing it by ear. I’ve got my bags packed and ready to go. I may just load everything on the bike and head out on the highway come Friday rain or shine.
Regardless, I’ve got some great mini trips planned for Autumn. I live in Western New York, and we have some of the most scenic autumns. I’m hoping to share some of those with you all, and also take an opportunity to get out with my Nikon camera and take some pictures.
For now I’ll leave you with an Autumn image taken just outside of Lewiston NY.