Lets Try This Again. Redesign Coming Soon.

So what’s up everyone? I’ve been away, and gave up on this blog for awhile.

Shortly after I put up this blog I had some serious back issues. Any type of distance riding was out of the question! Honestly, I could barely ride around the neighborhood, although I did. Just not as much as usual.

Two seasons ago, 2018 I did a little over 6000 miles of riding. 2019 I think I was lucky to do over 2000 miles and most of that was back and forth to work. I was a little disgusted with myself, and really disappointed. It was a lack of effort, traveling just wasn’t in the cards for yours truly! I’m usually pretty positive, and just didn’t feel like writing about my troubles. On top of that, I got disgusted just looking at the blog. The thought that I wouldn’t get much riding in was killing me!

On top of bad health, a turning crypto market and terrible weather didn’t help much either. The whole season was just a bust for me. It was almost as if the universe was trying to keep me home for some reason.

Onward and upward! I’m happy to announce I think my back issues are finally straightened out. I’ve been exercising regularly and started focusing on some travel plans for 2020! Cross country may not be in the cards, but have been thinking about some closer destinations like Maine, Vermont, Kentucky, Pennsylvania… They all look like beautiful places to ride and I’ve been researching various destinations!

I’m planning on doing a redesign of this site too. Probably starting that tonight. Hopefully I don’t screw anything up. The site may be in various states of disarray over the next couple weeks. I’ll start posting updates regularly again.

On a final note, the bikes are running great. Looking forward to riding season 2020 and sharing some adventures with anyone that stops by this page! Cheers from wintry Buffalo NY!

CSC TT-250 dual sport motorcycle
CSC-TT250 along the Niagara River.

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